Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 26, 2013

Excel the Ultimate

Filed under: Excel,Spreadsheets — Patrick Durusau @ 1:04 pm

Excel the Ultimate by Christophe Grand.

I know. That was my reaction when I saw the tweet from Christophe.

On my Clojure feed no less!

Still, I was recovering from working out in the yard. If I was confused when I read something about Excel, no harm, no foul. 😉

Went back to it first after I rested up. You don’t want to be confused for this one.

It’s only twenty-four clicks to get through the slides. View them first.

Then take this link,, where you will find “spreadmap.”

What is spreadmap?

Evil Clojure library to turn Excel spreadsheets in persistent reactive associative structures.

I concede that Excel spreadsheets do not give voice to the powerless, access to the disenfranchised, or work as a force for democracy around the world.

Neither does the NSA. What was your question again?

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