Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 23, 2013

HDP 2.0 and its YARN-based architecture…delivered!

Filed under: Hadoop YARN,Hortonworks — Patrick Durusau @ 8:18 pm

HDP 2.0 and its YARN-based architecture…delivered! By Shaun Connolly.

From the post:

Typical delivery of enterprise software involves a very controlled date with a secret roadmap designed to wow prospects, customers, press and analysts…or at least that is the way it usually works. Open source, however, changes this equation.

As described here, the vision for extending Hadoop beyond its batch-only roots in support of interactive and real-time workloads was set by Arun Murthy back in 2008. The initiation of YARN, the key technology for enabling this vision, started in earnest in 2011, was declared GA by the community in the recent Apache Hadoop 2.2 release, and is now delivered for mainstream enterprises and the broader commercial ecosystem with the release of Hortonworks Data Platform 2.0.

HDP 2.0, and its YARN foundation, is a huge milestone for the Hadoop market since it unlocks that vision of gathering all data in Hadoop and interacting with that data in many ways and with predictable performance levels… but you know this because Apache Hadoop 2.2 went GA last week.

If you know Sean, do you think he knows that only 6.4% of projects costing => $10 million succeed? ( website ‘didn’t have a chance in hell’)

HDP 2.0 did take longer than

But putting 18 children in a room isn’t going to produce an 18 year old in a year.

Sean does a great job in this post and points to other HDP 2.0 resources you will want to see.

BTW, maybe you should not mention the 6.4% success rate to Sean. It might jinx how open source software development works and succeeds. 😉

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