Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 8, 2013

Think Big… Right Start Big Data Projects [Religion]

Filed under: Marketing,Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 4:45 pm

Think Big… Right Start Big Data Projects by Rod Bodkin (Think Big Analytics).

Rod lists three “Must Dos:”

  1. Test and learn
  2. Incremental adoption
  3. Change management

I won’t try to summarize Rod’s points. You will be better off reading the original post.

I would this point: “Leave your technology religion at the door.”

Realize most customers have no religious convictions about software. And they are not interested in having religious convictions about software or knowing yours.

You may well be convinced your software or approach will be the salvation of the human race, solar system or even the galaxy.

My suggestion is you keep that belief to yourself. Unless your client wants world salvation rhetoric for fund raising or some other purpose.

Clients, from your local place of worship to Wall Street, from the NSA to the KGB, and everywhere in between have some need other than paying you for your products or services.

The question you need to answer is how does your product or service met that need?

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