Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 16, 2013

BirdWatch v0.2…

Filed under: Graphics,Tweets,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 4:17 pm

BirdWatch v0.2: Tweet Stream Analysis with AngularJS, ElasticSearch and Play Framework by Matthias Nehlsen.

From the post:

I am happy to get a huge update of the BirdWatch application out of the way. The changes are much more than what I would normally want to work on for a single article, but then again there is enough interesting stuff going on in this new version for multiple blog articles to come. Initially this application was only meant to be an exercise in streaming information to web clients. But in the meantime I have noticed that this application can be useful and interesting beyond being a mere learning exercise. Let me explain what it has evolved to:

BirdWatch is an open-source real-time tweet search engine for a defined area of interest. I am running a public instance of this for software engineering related tweets. The application subscribes to all Tweets containing at least one out of a set of terms (such as AngularJS, Java, JavaScript, MongoDB, Python, Scala, …). The application receives all those tweets immediately through the Twitter Streaming API. The limitation here is that the delivery is capped to one percent of all Tweets. This is plenty for a well defined area of interest, considering that Twitter processes more than 400 million tweets per day.

Just watching the public feed is amusing.

As Matthias says, there is a lot more that could be done with the incoming feed.

For some well defined area, you could be streaming the latest tweets on particular subjects or even who to follow, after you have harvested enough tweets.

See the project at GIthub.

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