Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 11, 2013

Exploring LinkedIn in Neo4j

Filed under: Graphs,Maps,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 6:33 pm

Exploring LinkedIn in Neo4j by Rik Van Bruggen.

From the post:

Ever since I have been working for Neo, we have been trying to give our audience as many powerful examples of places where graph databases could really shine. And one of the obvious places has always been: social networks. That’s why I’ve written a post about facebook, and why many other graphistas have been looking at facebook and others to explain what could be done.

But while Facebook is probably the best-known social network, the one I use professionally the most is: LinkedIn. Some call it the creepiest network, but the fact of the matter is that professional network is, and has always been, a very useful way to get and stay in contact with other people from other organisations. And guess what: they do some fantastic stuff with their own, custom-developed graphs. One of these things is InMaps – a fantastic visualisation and colour coded analysis of your professional network. That’s where this blogpost got its inspiration from.

As Rik points out, you can view InMaps but you can do much else.

To fix that, Rik guides you through extracting data from InMaps and loading it into Neo4j.

For extra credit, try merging your data with data on the same people from other sources.

Could give you some insight into the problems faced by the NSA.

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