Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 29, 2013

Why Would #1 Spy on #2?

Filed under: HPC,News,Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 2:31 pm

Confirmation: China has a 50+ Petaflop system.

That confirmation casts even more doubt on the constant drum roll of “China spying on the U.S.” allegations.

Who wants to spy on second place technology?

The further U.S.-based technology falls behind, due to the lack of investment in R&D by government and industry, expect the the hysterical accusations against China and others to ramp up.

Can’t possibly be that three month profit goals and lowering government spending led to a self-inflicted lack of R&D.

Must be someone stealing the technology we didn’t invest to invent. Has to be. 😉

The new Chinese system is a prick to the delusional American Exceptionalism balloon.

There will be others.

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