Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 17, 2013

Knowledge Bases in Neo4j

Filed under: Graphs,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 2:05 pm

Knowledge Bases in Neo4j by Max De Marzi.

From the post:

From the second we are born we are collecting a wealth of knowledge about the world. This knowledge is accumulated and interrelated inside our brains and it represents what we know. If we could export this knowledge and give it to a computer, it would look like ConceptNet. ConceptNet is a semantic network that…

…is built from nodes representing concepts, in the form of words or short phrases of natural language, and labeled relationships between them. These are the kinds of things computers need to know to search for information better, answer questions, and understand people’s goals.

I wrote a little ruby script to import ConceptNet5 into Neo4j and it gives us a nice graph (243MB) to work with. ConceptNet5 as presented in csv files is actually a hypergraph, with a reason for the concept:

Max gives a script to remove the reasons for concepts (the hypergraph part of ConceptNet5) as duplicate content.

It does make the graph smaller, but only at the expense of information loss.

Think of it as the Benghazi emails with all the duplicate prose removed along with who said it.

If that fits your requirements, ok, but I doubt it would fit in any environment that requires information auditing.

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  1. […] Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity « Knowledge Bases in Neo4j […]

    Pingback by ConceptNet5 [Herein of Hypergraphs] « Another Word For It — May 17, 2013 @ 3:29 pm

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