Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 12, 2013

Evaluating the Efficiency of Physical Visualizations

Filed under: Graphics,Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 2:52 pm

Evaluating the Efficiency of Physical Visualizations by Yvonne Jansen, Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete.


Data sculptures are an increasingly popular form of physical visualization whose purposes are essentially artistic, communicative or educational. But can physical visualizations help carry out actual information visualization tasks? We present the first infovis study comparing physical to on-screen visualizations. We focus on 3D visualizations, as these are common among physical visualizations but known to be problematic on computers. Taking 3D bar charts as an example, we show that moving visualizations to the physical world can improve users’ efficiency at information retrieval tasks. In contrast, augmenting on-screen visualizations with stereoscopic rendering alone or with prop-based manipulation was of limited help. The efficiency of physical visualizations seems to stem from features that are unique to physical objects, such as their ability to be touched and their perfect visual realism. These findings provide empirical motivation for current research on fast digital fabrication and self-reconfiguring interfaces.

My first thought on reading this paper was a comparison of looking at a topographic map of an area and seeing it from the actual location.

May explain some of the disconnect between military planners looking at maps and troops looking at terrain.

I’m not current on the latest feedback research to simulate the sense of touch in VR.

Curious how good the simulation would need to be to approach the efficiency of physical visualizations?

While others struggle to deliver content to a 3″ to 5″ inch screen, you can work on the next generation of interfaces, which are as large as you can “see.”

I first saw this at: Visualization Papers at CHI 2013 by Enrico Bertini.

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