Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 24, 2013

Welcome to TweetMap ALPHA

Filed under: GPU,Maps,SQL,Tweets — Patrick Durusau @ 3:57 pm

Welcome to TweetMap ALPHA

From the introduction popup:

TweetMap is an instance of MapD, a massively parallel database platform being developed through a collaboration between Todd Mostak, (currently a researcher at MIT), and the Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA).

The tweet database presented here starts on 12/10/2012 and ends 12/31/2012. Currently 95 million tweets are available to be queried by time, space, and keyword. This could increase to billions and we are working on real time streaming from tweet-tweeted to tweet-on-the-map in under a second.

MapD is a general purpose SQL database that can be used to provide real-time visualization and analysis of just about any very large data set. MapD makes use of commodity Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) to parallelize hard compute jobs such as that of querying and rendering very large data sets on-the-fly.

This is a real treat!

Try something popular, like “gaga,” without the quotes.

Remember this is running against 95 million tweets.

Impressive! Yes?

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