Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 20, 2013

The Matasano Crypto Challenges

Filed under: Cryptography,Cybersecurity,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 4:31 am

The Matasano Crypto Challenges by Maciej Ceglowski.

From the post:

I recently took some time to work through the Matasano crypto challenges, a set of 48 practical programming exercises that Thomas Ptacek and his team at Matasano Security have developed as a kind of teaching tool (and baited hook).

Much of what I know (or think I know) about security has come from reading tptacek’s comments on Hacker News, so I was intrigued when I first saw him mention the security challenges a few months ago. At the same time, I worried that I’d be way out of my depth attempting them.

As a programmer, my core strengths have always been knowing how to apologize to users, and composing funny tweets. While I can hook up a web template to a database and make the squigglies come out right, I cannot efficiently sort something for you on a whiteboard, or tell you where to get a monad. From my vantage point, crypto looms as high as Mount Olympus.

To my delight, though, I was able to get through the entire sequence. It took diligence, coffee, and a lot of graph paper, but the problems were tractable. And having completed them, I’ve become convinced that anyone whose job it is to run a production website should try them, particularly if you have no experience with application security.

Since the challenges aren’t really documented anywhere, I wanted to describe what they’re like in the hopes of persuading busy people to take the plunge.

You get the challenges in batches of eight by emailing cryptopals at Matasano, and solve them at your own pace, in the programming language of your choice. Once you finish a set, you send in the solutions and Sean unlocks the next eight. (Curiously, after the third set, Gmail started rejecting my tarball as malware.)

Most of the challenges take the form of practical attacks against common vulnerabilities, many of which will be sadly familiar to you from your own web apps. To keep things fun and fair for everyone, they ask you not to post the questions or answers online. (I cleared this post with Thomas to make sure it was spoiler-free.)

The challenges start with some basic string manipulation tasks, but after that they are grouped by theme. In most cases, you first implement something, then break it in several enlightening ways. The constructions you use will be familiar to any web programmer, but this may be the first time you have ever taken off the lid and looked at the moving parts inside.

While avoiding posting the questions/answers online, mapping vulnerabilities you uncover would make a good start on a security topic map.

I first saw this in Four short links: 19 April 2013 by Nat Torkington.

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