Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 12, 2013

“Almost there….” (Computing Homology)

Filed under: Data Analysis,Feature Spaces,Homology,Topological Data Analysis,Topology — Patrick Durusau @ 4:03 pm

We all remember the pilot in Star Wars that kept saying, “Almost there….” Jeremy Kun has us “almost there…” in his latest installment: Computing Homology.

To give you some encouragement, Jeremy concludes the post saying:

The reader may be curious as to why we didn’t come up with a more full-bodied representation of a simplicial complex and write an algorithm which accepts a simplicial complex and computes all of its homology groups. We’ll leave this direct approach as a (potentially long) exercise to the reader, because coming up in this series we are going to do one better. Instead of computing the homology groups of just one simplicial complex using by repeating one algorithm many times, we’re going to compute all the homology groups of a whole family of simplicial complexes in a single bound. This family of simplicial complexes will be constructed from a data set, and so, in grandiose words, we will compute the topological features of data.

If it sounds exciting, that’s because it is! We’ll be exploring a cutting-edge research field known as persistent homology, and we’ll see some of the applications of this theory to data analysis. (bold emphasis added)

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1 Comment

  1. […] example, in Jeremy Kun’s Homology series, which I strongly recommend, the technical side of homology isn’t going to prepare a student […]

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