Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 19, 2013

MongoDB 2.4 Release

Filed under: Lucene,MongoDB,NoSQL,Searching,Solr — Patrick Durusau @ 1:11 pm

MongoDB 2.4 Release

From the webpage:

Developer Productivity

  • Capped Arrays simplify development by making it easy to incorporate fixed, sorted lists for features like leaderboards and logging.
  • Geospatial Enhancements enable new use cases with support for polygon intersections and analytics based on geospatial data.
  • Text Search provides a simplified, integrated approach to incorporating search functionality into apps (Note: this feature is currently in beta release).


  • Hash-Based Sharding simplifies deployment of large MongoDB systems.
  • Working Set Analyzer makes capacity planning easier for ops teams.
  • Improved Replication increases resiliency and reduces administration.
  • Mongo Client creates an intuitive, consistent feature set across all drivers.


  • Faster Counts and Aggregation Framework Refinements make it easier to leverage real-time, in-place analytics.
  • V8 JavaScript Engine offers better concurrency and faster performance for some operations, including MapReduce jobs.


  • On-Prem Monitoring provides comprehensive monitoring, visualization and alerting on more than 100 operational metrics of a MongoDB system in real time, based on the same application that powers 10gen’s popular MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS). On-Prem Monitoring is only available with MongoDB Enterprise.


  • Kerberos Authentication enables enterprise and government customers to integrate MongoDB into existing enterprise security systems. Kerberos support is only available in MongoDB Enterprise.
  • Role-Based Privileges allow organizations to assign more granular security policies for server, database and cluster administration.

You can read more about the improvements to MongoDB 2.4 in the Release Notes. Also, MongoDB 2.4 is available for download on

Lots to look at in MongoDB 2.4!

But I am curious about the beta text search feature.

MongoDB Text Search: Experimental Feature in MongoDB 2.4 says:

Text search (SERVER-380) is one of the most requested features for MongoDB 10gen is working on an experimental text-search feature, to be released in v2.4, and we’re already seeing some talk in the community about the native implementation within the server. We view this as an important step towards fulfilling a community need.

MongoDB text search is still in its infancy and we encourage you to try it out on your datasets. Many applications use both MongoDB and Solr/Lucene, but realize that there is still a feature gap. For some applications, the basic text search that we are introducing may be sufficient. As you get to know text search, you can determine when MongoDB has crossed the threshold for what you need. (emphasis added)

So, why isn’t MongoDB incorporating Solr/Lucene instead of a home grown text search feature?

Seems like users could leverage their Solr/Lucene skills with their MongoDB installations.


1 Comment

  1. […] I suspect the answer is the same one for why are popular NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, are re-inventing text indexing? (see MongoDB 2.4 Release) […]

    Pingback by Mumps: The Proto-Database… « Another Word For It — March 27, 2013 @ 12:21 pm

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