Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 17, 2013

Linkurious [free beta]

Filed under: Graphics,Graphs,Networks,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 5:36 am


From the homepage:


Our Open Source backend indexes your graph so you can connect with it on Linkurious and get started in minutes. When it is done, launch the web application of Linkurious.


Typing any keyword in the search bar brings up all the related data in one step. We provide a console for advanced queries so you can be as broad or as specific as you want.


By focusing on the items related to your search, visualizing and exploring your graph has never been easier. Dig further in any direction using the connected nodes and make sense of your data.

A couple of other resources:

How it works, and

Graph Visualization options and latest developments

will be of interest.

I haven’t signed up, yet, but the slides make a good point that what graph visualization you need depends, unsurprisingly, on your use case.

I first saw this in a tweet by David W. Allen.

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