Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 15, 2013

Using Solr’s New Atomic Updates

Filed under: Indexing,Solr — Patrick Durusau @ 4:08 pm

Using Solr’s New Atomic Updates by Scott Stults.

From the post:

A while ago we created a sample index of US patent grants roughly 700k documents big. Adjacently we pulled down the corresponding multi-page TIFFs of those grants and made PNG thumbnails of each page. So far, so good.

You see, we wanted to give our UI the ability to flip through those thumbnails and we wanted it to be fast. So our original design had a client-side function that pulled down the first thumbnail and then tried to pull down subsequent thumbnails until it ran out of pages or cache. That was great for a while, but it didn’t scale because a good portion of our requests were for non-existent resources.

Things would be much better if the UI got the page count along with the other details of the search hits. So why not update each record in Solr with that?

A new feature in Solr and one that I suspect will be handy. Such as updating a index of associations, for example.

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