Document Mining with Overview: A Digital Tools Tutorial
From the post:
Friday, March 15, 2013 at 2:00pm Eastern Time Enroll Now
Overview is a free tool for journalists that automatically organizes a large set of documents by topic, and displays them in an interactive visualization for exploration, tagging, and reporting. Journalists have already used it to report on FOIA document dumps, emails, leaks, archives, and social media data. In fact it will work on any set of documents that is mostly text. It integrates with DocumentCloud and can import your projects, or you can upload data directly in CSV form.
You can’t read 10,000 pages on deadline, but Overview can help you rapidly figure out which pages are the important ones — even if you’re not sure what you’re looking for.
This training event is part of a series on digital tools in partnership with the American Press Institute and The Poynter Institute, funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
See more tools in the Digital Tools Catalog.
I have been meaning to learn more about “Overview” and this looks like a good opportunity.
[…] The slides from the Overview presentation I mentioned yesterday. […]
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