Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 6, 2013

NLTK 1.3 – Computing with Language: Simple Statistics

Filed under: Lisp,Natural Language Processing,NLTK — Patrick Durusau @ 11:20 am

NLTK 1.3 – Computing with Language: Simple Statistics by Vsevolod Dyomkin.

From the post:

Most of the remaining parts of the first chapter of NLTK book serve as an introduction to Python in the context of text processing. I won’t translate that to Lisp, because there’re much better resources explaining how to use Lisp properly. First and foremost I’d refer anyone interested to the appropriate chapters of Practical Common Lisp:

List Processing
Macros: Standard Control Constructs

It’s only worth noting that Lisp has a different notion of lists, than Python. Lisp’s lists are linked lists, while Python’s are essentially vectors. Lisp also has vectors as a separate data-structure, and it also has multidimensional arrays (something Python mostly lacks). And the set of Lisp’s list operations is somewhat different from Python’s. List is the default sequence data-structure, but you should understand its limitations and know, when to switch to vectors (when you will have a lot of elements and often access them at random). Also Lisp doesn’t provide Python-style syntactic sugar for slicing and dicing lists, although all the operations are there in the form of functions. The only thing which isn’t easily reproducible in Lisp is assigning to a slice:

Vsevolod continues his journey through chapter 1 of NLTK 1.3 focusing on the statistics (with examples).

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