Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 24, 2013

Lucene 4 Finite State Automata In 10 Minutes (Intro & Tutorial)

Filed under: Finite State Automata,Lucene — Patrick Durusau @ 5:36 pm

Lucene 4 Finite State Automata In 10 Minutes (Intro & Tutorial) by Doug Turnbull.

From the post:

This article is intended to help you bootstrap your ability to work with Finite State Automata (note automata == plural of automaton). Automata are a unique data structure, requiring a bit of theory to process and understand. Hopefully what’s below can give you a foundation for playing with these fun and useful Lucene data structures!

Motivation, Why Automata?

When working in search, a big part of the job is making sense of loosely-structured text. For example, suppose we have a list of about 1000 valid first names and 100,000 last names. Before ingesting data into a search application, we need to extract first and last names from free-form text.

Unfortunately the data sometimes has full names in the format “LastName, FirstName” like “Turnbull, Doug”. In other places, however, full names are listed “FirstName LastName” like “Doug Turnbull”. Add a few extra representations, and to make sense out of what strings represent valid names becomes a chore.

This becomes especially troublesome when we’re depending on these as natural identifiers for looking up or joining across multiple data sets. Each data set might textually represent the natural identifier in subtly different ways. We want to capture the representations across multiple data sets to ensure our join works properly.

So… Whats a text jockey to do when faced with such annoying inconsistencies?

You might initially think “regular expression”. Sadly, a normal regular expression can’t help in this case. Just trying to write a regular expression that allows a controlled vocabulary of 100k valid last names but nothing else is non-trivial. Not to mention the task of actually using such a regular expression.

But there is one tool that looks promising for solving this problem. Lucene 4.0′s new Automaton API. Lets explore what this API has to offer by first reminding ourselves about a bit of CS theory.

Are you motivated?

I am!

See John Berryman’s comment about matching patterns of words.

Then think about finding topics, associations and occurrences in free form data.

Or creating a collection of automata as a tool set for building topic maps.

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