Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 15, 2013

Embracing Semantic Logging

Filed under: .Net,Log Analysis,Semantics — Patrick Durusau @ 10:49 am

Embracing Semantic Logging by Grigori Melnik.

From the post:

In the world of software engineering, every system needs to log. Logging helps to diagnose and troubleshoot problems with your system both in development and in production. This requires proper, well-designed instrumentation. All too often, however, developers instrument their code to do logging without having a clear strategy and without thinking through the ways the logs are going to be consumed, parsed, and interpreted. Valuable contextual information about events frequently gets lost, or is buried inside the log messages. Furthermore, in some cases logging is done simply for the sake of logging, more like a checkmark on the list. This situation is analogous to people fallaciously believing their backup system is properly implemented by enabling the backup but never, actually, trying to restore from those backups.

This lack of a thought-through logging strategy results in systems producing huge amounts of log data which is less useful or entirely useless for problem resolution.

Many logging frameworks exist today (including our own Logging Application Block and log4net). In a nutshell, they provide high-level APIs to help with formatting log messages, grouping (by means of categories or hierarchies) and writing them to various destinations. They provide you with an entry point – some sort of a logger object through which you call log writing methods (conceptually, not very different from Console.WriteLine(message)). While supporting dynamic reconfiguration of certain knobs, they require the developer to decide upfront on the template of the logging message itself. Even when this can be changed, the message is usually intertwined with the application code, including metadata about the entry such as the severity and entry id.

As ever in all discussions, even those of semantics, there is some impedance:

Imagine another world, where the events get logged and their semantic meaning is preserved. You don’t lose any fidelity in your data. Welcome to the world of semantic logging. Note, some people refer to semantic logging as “structured logging”, “strongly-typed logging” or “schematized logging”.

Whatever you want to call it:

The technology to enable semantic logging in Windows has been around for a while (since Windows 2000). It’s called ETW – Event Tracing for Windows. It is a fast, scalable logging mechanism built into the Windows operating system itself. As Vance Morrison explains, “it is powerful because of three reasons:

  1. The operating system comes pre-wired with a bunch of useful events
  2. It can capture stack traces along with the event, which is INCREDIBLY USEFUL.
  3. It is extensible, which means that you can add your own information that is relevant to your code.

EW has been improved in .NET Framework 4.5 but I will leave you to Grigori’s post to ferret out those details.

Semantic logging is important for all the reasons mentioned in Grigori’s post and because captured semantics provide grist for semantic mapping mills.

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