Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 3, 2013

Scribl: an HTML5 Canvas-based graphics library…

Filed under: Genomics,Graphics,HTML5,Javascript,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 6:57 pm

Scribl: an HTML5 Canvas-based graphics library for visualizing genomic data over the web by Chase A. Miller, Jon Anthony, Michelle M. Meyer and Gabor Marth. (Bioinformatics (2013) 29 (3): 381-383. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts677)


Motivation: High-throughput biological research requires simultaneous visualization as well as analysis of genomic data, e.g. read alignments, variant calls and genomic annotations. Traditionally, such integrative analysis required desktop applications operating on locally stored data. Many current terabyte-size datasets generated by large public consortia projects, however, are already only feasibly stored at specialist genome analysis centers. As even small laboratories can afford very large datasets, local storage and analysis are becoming increasingly limiting, and it is likely that most such datasets will soon be stored remotely, e.g. in the cloud. These developments will require web-based tools that enable users to access, analyze and view vast remotely stored data with a level of sophistication and interactivity that approximates desktop applications. As rapidly dropping cost enables researchers to collect data intended to answer questions in very specialized contexts, developers must also provide software libraries that empower users to implement customized data analyses and data views for their particular application. Such specialized, yet lightweight, applications would empower scientists to better answer specific biological questions than possible with general-purpose genome browsers currently available.

Results: Using recent advances in core web technologies (HTML5), we developed Scribl, a flexible genomic visualization library specifically targeting coordinate-based data such as genomic features, DNA sequence and genetic variants. Scribl simplifies the development of sophisticated web-based graphical tools that approach the dynamism and interactivity of desktop applications.

Availability and implementation: Software is freely available online at and is implemented in JavaScript with all modern browsers supported.


A step towards the “virtual observatory” model of modern astronomy. Free remote access to data in astronomy has long been a fact. It was soon realized that access to data wasn’t enough, remote users needs the power of remote clusters to process large amounts of data.

The intermediate stage of remote access to data and even remote processing models are both going to require easy visualization capabilities.

Are you ready to move to remote access to topic map data?

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