Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 2, 2013

TCS online series- could this work?

Filed under: CS Lectures — Patrick Durusau @ 3:10 pm

TCS online series- could this work? by Bill Gasarch.

From the post:

Oded Regev, Anindya De and Thomas Vidick we are about to start an online TCS seminar series. See here for details, though I have the first few paragraphs below.

Its an interesting idea- we can’t all get to conferences so this is a good way to get information out there. Wave of the future? We’ll see how it goes.

Here is the first few paragraphs:

Ever wished you could attend that talk if only you didn’t have to hike the Rockies, or swim across the Atlantic, to get there; if only it could have been scheduled the following week, because this week is finals; if only you could watch it from your desk, or for that matter directly from your bed?

Starting this semester TCS+ will solve all your worries. We are delighted to announce the initiation of a new series of *online* seminars in theoretical computer science. The seminars will be run using the hangout feature of Google+. The speaker and slides will be broadcast live as well as recorded and made available online. Anyone with a computer (and a decent browser) can watch; anyone with a webcam can join the live audience and participate.

For updates, see the TCS webpage:

Keep a watch on this for ideas to stay ahead of your competition.

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