Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 16, 2013

Tombstones in Topic Map Future?

Watching the What’s New in Cassandra 1.2 (Notes) webcast and encountered an unfamiliar term: “tombstones.”

If you are already familiar with the concept, skip to another post.

If you’re not, the concept is used in distributed systems that maintain “eventual” consistency by the nodes replicating their content. Which works if all nodes are available but what if you delete data and a node is unavailable? When it comes back, the other nodes are “missing” data that needs to be replicated.

From the description at the Cassandra wiki, DistributedDeletes, not an easy problem to solve.

So, Cassandra turns it into a solvable problem.

Deletes are implemented with a special value known as a tombstone. The tombstone is propogated to nodes that missed the initial delete.

Since you will eventually want to delete the tombstones as well, a grace period can be set, which is slightly longer than the period needed to replace a non-responding node.

Distributed topic maps will face the same issue.

Complicated by imperative programming models of merging that make changes in properties that alter merging difficult to manage.

Perhaps functional models of merging, as with other forms of distributed processing, will carry the day.

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