Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 28, 2012

Algorithms for Massive Data Sets

Filed under: Algorithms,BigData,CS Lectures — Patrick Durusau @ 8:43 am

Algorithms for Massive Data Sets by Inge Li Gørtz and Philip Bille.

From the course description:

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Describe an algorithm in a comprehensible manner, i.e., accurately, concise, and unambiguous.
  • Prove correctness of algorithms.
  • Analyze, evaluate, and compare the performance of algorithms in models of computation relevant to massive data sets.
  • Analyze, evaluate, and compare the quality and reliability of solutions.
  • Apply and extend relevant algorithmic techniques for massive data sets.
  • Design algorithms for problems related to massive data sets.
  • Lookup and apply relevant research literature for problems related to massive data sets.
  • Systematically identify and analyze problems and make informed choices for solving the problems based on the analysis.
  • Argue clearly for the choices made when solving a problem.

Papers, slides and exercises provided for these topics:

Week 1: Introduction and Hashing: Chained, Universal, and Perfect.

Week 2: Predecessor Data Structures: x-fast tries and y-fast tries.

Week 3: Decremental Connectivity in Trees: Cluster decomposition, Word-Level Parallelism.

Week 4: Nearest Common Ancestors: Distributed data structures, Heavy-path decomposition, alphabetic codes.

Week 5: Amortized analysis and Union-Find.

Week 6: Range Reporting: Range Trees, Fractional Cascading, and kD Trees.

Week 7: Persistent data structures.

Week 8: String matching.

Week 9: String Indexing: Dictionaries, Tries, Suffix trees, and Suffix Sorting.

Week 10: Introduction to approximation algorithms. TSP, k-center, vertex cover.

Week 11: Approximation algorithms: Set Cover, stable matching.

Week 12: External Memory: I/O Algorithms, Cache-Oblivious Algorithms, and Dynamic Programming

Just reading the papers will improve your big data skills.

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