Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 27, 2012

Designing good MapReduce algorithms

Filed under: Algorithms,BigData,Hadoop,MapReduce — Patrick Durusau @ 6:28 pm

Designing good MapReduce algorithms by Jeffrey D. Ullman.

From the introduction:

If you are familiar with “big data,” you are probably familiar with the MapReduce approach to implementing parallelism on computing clusters [1]. A cluster consists of many compute nodes, which are processors with their associated memory and disks. The compute nodes are connected by Ethernet or switches so they can pass data from node to node.

Like any other programming model, MapReduce needs an algorithm-design theory. The theory is not just the theory of parallel algorithms—MapReduce requires we coordinate parallel processes in a very specific way. A MapReduce job consists of two functions written by the programmer, plus some magic that happens in the middle:

  1. The Map function turns each input element into zero or more key-value pairs. A “key” in this sense is not unique, and it is in fact important that many pairs with a given key are generated as the Map function is applied to all the input elements.
  2. The system sorts the key-value pairs by key, and for each key creates a pair consisting of the key itself and a list of all the values associated with that key.
  3. The Reduce function is applied, for each key, to its associated list of values. The result of that application is a pair consisting of the key and whatever is produced by the Reduce function applied to the list of values. The output of the entire MapReduce job is what results from the application of the Reduce function to each key and its list.

When we execute a MapReduce job on a system like Hadoop [2], some number of Map tasks and some number of Reduce tasks are created. Each Map task is responsible for applying the Map function to some subset of the input elements, and each Reduce task is responsible for applying the Reduce function to some number of keys and their associated lists of values. The arrangement of tasks and the key-value pairs that communicate between them is suggested in Figure 1. Since the Map tasks can be executed in parallel and the Reduce tasks can be executed in parallel, we can obtain an almost unlimited degree of parallelism—provided there are many compute nodes for executing the tasks, there are many keys, and no one key has an unusually long list of values

A very important feature of the Map-Reduce form of parallelism is that tasks have the blocking property [3]; that is, no Map or Reduce task delivers any output until it has finished all its work. As a result, if a hardware or software failure occurs in the middle of a MapReduce job, the system has only to restart the Map or Reduce tasks that were located at the failed compute node. The blocking property of tasks is essential to avoid restart of a job whenever there is a failure of any kind. Since Map-Reduce is often used for jobs that require hours on thousands of compute nodes, the probability of at least one failure is high, and without the blocking property large jobs would never finish.

There is much more to the technology of MapReduce. You may wish to consult, a free online text that covers MapReduce and a number of its applications [4].

Warning: This article may change your interest in the design of MapReduce algorithms.

Ullman’s stories of algorithm tradeoffs provide motivation to evaluate (or reevaluate) your own design tradeoffs.

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