Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 16, 2012

Newsfeed feature powered by Neo4j Graph Database

Filed under: Cypher,Graphs,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 4:53 am

Newsfeed feature powered by Neo4j Graph Database

From the post:

Implementation of newsfeed or timeline feature became a must requirement for every social application. Achieving the same result through traditional relational databases would have been cumbersome as well as inefficient due to number of joins in SQL query. Would post an another article on why graph databases especially NEO4J is an apt choice for social application. For now, this post would directly jump into the implementation of simple newsfeed feature using powerful graph database NEO4J. (This article assumes that reader already understands basic concepts of graph databases representation, Neo4j and Cypher query language).

Neo4j Documentation has already given us the data model to represent social network in graph database and queries to retrieve data. Instead of repeating the whole story, this post would compliment the existing doc by giving cypher queries to create and retrieve data for below data model.

Would be Facebook killers will appreciate the example but tying Neo4j to a standard news feed would be more useful.

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