Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 6, 2012

mol2chemfig, a tool for rendering chemical structures… [Hard Copy Delivery of Topic Map Content]

Filed under: Cheminformatics,Graphics,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 5:02 pm

mol2chemfig, a tool for rendering chemical structures from molfile or SMILES format to LATEX code by Eric K Brefo-Mensah and Michael Palmer.


Displaying chemical structures in LATEX documents currently requires either hand-coding of the structures using one of several LATEX packages, or the inclusion of finished graphics files produced with an external drawing program. There is currently no software tool available to render the large number of structures available in molfile or SMILES format to LATEX source code. We here present mol2chemfig, a Python program that provides this capability. Its output is written in the syntax defined by the chemfig TEX package, which allows for the flexible and concise description of chemical structures and reaction mechanisms. The program is freely available both through a web interface and for local installation on the user?s computer. The code and accompanying documentation can be found at

Is there a presumption that topic map delivery systems are limited to computers?

Or that components in topic map interfaces have to snap, crackle or pop with every mouse-over?

While computers enable scalable topic map processing, processing should not be confused with delivery of topic map content.

If you are delivering information about chemical structures from a topic map into hard copy, you are likely to find this a useful tool.

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