Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 16, 2012

Machine Learning: Genetic Algorithms in Javascript Part 2

Filed under: Genetic Algorithms,Machine Learning — Patrick Durusau @ 1:05 pm

Machine Learning: Genetic Algorithms in Javascript Part 2 by Burak Kanber.

From the post:

Today we’re going to revisit the genetic algorithm. If you haven’t read Genetic Algorithms Part 1 yet, I strongly recommend reading that now. This article will skip over the fundamental concepts covered in part 1 — so if you’re new to genetic algorithms you’ll definitely want to start there.

Just looking for the example?

The Problem

You’re a scientist that has recently been framed for murder by an evil company. Before you flee the lab you have an opportunity to steal 1,000 pounds (or kilograms!) of pure elements from the chemical warehouse; your plan is to later sell them and survive off of the earnings.

Given the weight and value of each element, which combination should you take to maximize the total value without exceeding the weight limit?

This is called the knapsack problem. The one above is a one-dimensional problem, meaning the only constraint is weight. We could complicate matters by also considering volume, but we need to start somewhere. Note that in our version of the problem only one piece of each element is available, and each piece has a fixed weight. There are some knapsack problems where you can take unlimited platinum or up to 3 pieces of gold or something like that, but here we only have one of each available to us.

Why is this problem tough to solve? We’ll be using 118 elements. The brute-force approach would require that we test 2118 or 3.3 * 1035 different combinations of elements.

What if you have subject identity criteria of varying reliability? What is the best combination for the highest reliability?

To sharpen the problem: Your commanding officer has requested declaration of sufficient identity for a drone strike target.

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