Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 28, 2013

Hoopl (Dataflow and Haskell)

Filed under: Functional Programming,Haskell — Patrick Durusau @ 1:20 pm

Hoopl: Dataflow Optimization Made Simple by Norman Ramsey, João Dias, and Simon Peyton Jones.


We present Hoopl, a Haskell library that makes it easy for compiler writers to implement program transformations based on dataflow analyses. The compiler writer must identify (a) logical assertions on which the transformation will be based; (b) a representation of such assertions, which should form a lattice of finite height; (c) transfer functions that approximate weakest preconditions or strongest postconditions over the assertions; and (d) rewrite functions whose soundness is justified by the assertions. Hoopl uses the algorithm of Lerner, Grove, and Chambers (2002), which can compose very simple analyses and transformations in a way that achieves the same precision as complex, handwritten “super-analyses.” Hoopl will be the workhorse of a new back end for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (version 6.12, forthcoming).

Superceded by later work but recommended by the authors as a fuller introduction to Hoopl.

The superceding work, Hoopl: A Modular, Reusable Library for Dataflow Analysis and Transformation, has the following abstract:

Dataflow analysis and transformation of control-flow graphs is pervasive in optimizing compilers, but it is typically tightly interwoven with the details of a particular compiler. We describe Hoopl, a reusable Haskell library that makes it unusually easy to define new analyses and transformations for any compiler. Hoopl’s interface is modular and polymorphic, and it offers unusually strong static guarantees. The implementation encapsulates state-of-the-art algorithms (interleaved analysis and rewriting, dynamic error isolation), and it cleanly separates their tricky elements so that they can be understood independently.

I started with the later work. Better read in the order presented here.

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