Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 5, 2012

Thinking Functionally with Haskell [Privileging Users or System Designers]

Filed under: Functional Programming,Haskell — Patrick Durusau @ 4:36 pm

Thinking Functionally with Haskell by Paul Callaghan.

From the post:

In which we begin an exploration into the Haskell language and dive deeply into functional programming.

Ever wondered how functional programmers think? I aim to give you a glimpse into the programming style and mindset of experienced functional programmers, so you can see why we are so passionate about what we do. We’ll also discuss some wider ideas about programming, such as making our languages fit the problem and not the other way round, and how this affects language design.

Few of these ideas get the exposure they deserve in textbooks or tutorials, and in my view they are essential for coming to grips with a functional language and using it productively in real apps.

Syntax and semantics, the meat and veg of most books and university courses, are ok for basic language use, but to really master a language that embodies a paradigm that is new to you, you need to know about the deeper pragmatic ideas. Let’s see if we can do something about that.

I used Lisp for a few years before university, then switched to Haskell and have been using it for around 20 years. However, inspired by learning about Rails and Ruby when revamping a tired web technology course, I changed career to do full-time Rails work, and have spent the last four years having fun on a variety of apps, including Spree (#2 committer at one point) and recently a big bespoke lab management system.

Ruby feels like naughty fun for a Haskell programmer. Many of the ideas are very similar, like the very natural use of blocks and lambdas and having lots of scope for bending the rules. I really enjoy programming in Ruby, though some times I do get homesick and pine for a bit more oomph.

Most of this article will refer to Haskell, though many of the ideas do apply to other, similar languages as well. Haskell has a few advantages and a good balance of features. Haskell has its weaknesses too, and I hope to explore these in due course.

I rather like the “…making our languages fit the problem and not the other way round…” phrase.

Or to phrase it for topic maps: “….taking subject identity as defined by users, not defining it for them….”

Perhaps I should ask: Do you want to privilege users or system designers?

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