Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 4, 2010

Political Topic Maps?

Filed under: Data Source — Patrick Durusau @ 8:19 pm

At the suggestion of Marijane and Lars Marius I started looking for a source of information for a government/political topic map project.

The Washington-Post Head Count project looks like a cool starting point.

It has the potential to be a good compare/contrast with topic maps.

The site shows connections to Obama or other prominent Democrats, having taught at Harvard, or other demographics for political appointees.

Question: How would others contribute information such as the campaign contributions made by the appointee or those within two (2) degrees of separation from them? How would you do that with a topic map?

Take a look at the site and make suggestions on how topic maps could do a better job.

Will be a proof of concept project and not duplicating their project. All contributions will be credited. The Washington-Post could be calling you for help in the next campaign cycle!

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