Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 23, 2012

Hypergraphs and Colored Maps

Filed under: Graphs,Hyperedges,Hypergraphs — Patrick Durusau @ 6:42 am

Hypergraphs and Colored Maps by James Mallos.

From the post:

A graph, in general terms, is a set of vertices connected by edges. Finding good colorings for the vertices (or edges) of a graph may seem like a hobby interest, but, in fact, graphs bearing certain rule-based colorings represent mathematical objects that are more general than graphs themselves. By bearing colors, graphs let us see objects that could not be quite so easily drawn.

I discovered James’ site, Weave Anything while searching for blogs on hypergraphs.

I recommend it as an entertaining way to learn more about graphs, hypergraphs, hypermaps and similar structures.

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