Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 13, 2012

HBase Log Splitting

Filed under: HBase — Patrick Durusau @ 4:53 pm

HBase Log Splitting by Jimmy Xiang.

When I was being certified in NetWare many years ago, the #1 reason for dismissal of sysadmins was failure to maintain backups. I don’t know what the numbers are like now but suspect it is probably about the same. But in any event, you are less likely to be fired if you don’t lose data when your servers fail. That’s just a no-brainer.

If you are running HBase, take the time to review this post and make sure the job that gets lost isn’t yours.

From the post:

In the recent blog post about the HBase Write Path, we talked about the write-ahead-log (WAL), which plays an important role in preventing data loss should a HBase region server failure occur. This blog post describes how HBase prevents data loss after a region server crashes, using an especially critical process for recovering lost updates called log splitting.
Log splitting

As we mentioned in the write path blog post, HBase data updates are stored in a place in memory called memstore for fast write. In the event of a region server failure, the contents of the memstore are lost because they have not been saved to disk yet. To prevent data loss in such a scenario, the updates are persisted in a WAL file before they are stored in the memstore. In the event of a region server failure, the lost contents in the memstore can be regenerated by replaying the updates (also called edits) from the WAL file.

A region server serves many regions. All of the regions in a region server share the same active WAL file. Each edit in the WAL file has information about which region it belongs to. When a region is opened, we need to replay those edits in the WAL file that belong to that region. Therefore, edits in the WAL file must be grouped by region so that particular sets can be replayed to regenerate the data in a particular region. The process of grouping the WAL edits by region is called log splitting. It is a critical process for recovering data if a region server fails.

Log splitting is done by HMaster as the cluster starts or by ServerShutdownHandler as a region server shuts down. Since we need to guarantee consistency, affected regions are unavailable until data is restored. So we need to recover and replay all WAL edits before letting those regions become available again. As a result, regions affected by log splitting are unavailable until the process completes and any required edits are applied.

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