Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 10, 2012

Thinking in Datomic: Your data is not square

Filed under: Datomic,Design,NoSQL — Patrick Durusau @ 10:19 am

Thinking in Datomic: Your data is not square by Pelle Braendgaard.

From the post:

Datomic is so different than regular databases that your average developer will probably choose to ignore it. But for the developer and startup who takes the time to understand it properly I think it can be a real unfair advantage as a choice for a data layer in your application.

In this article I will deal with the core fundamental definition of how data is stored in Datomic. This is very different from all other databases so before we even deal with querying and transactions I think it’s a good idea to look at it.

Yawn, “your data is not square.” 😉 Just teasing.

But we have all heard the criticism of relational tables. I think writers can assume that much, at least in technical forums.

The lasting value of the NoSQL movement (in addition to whichever software packages survive) will be its emphasis on analysis of your data. Your data may fit perfectly well into a square but you need to decide that after looking at your data, not before.

The same can be said about the various NoSQL offerings. Your data may or may not be suited for a particular NoSQL option. The data analysis “cat being out of the bag,” it should be applied to NoSQL options as well. True, almost any option will work, your question should be why is option X the best option for my data/use case?

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