Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 9, 2012

Verrier: Visualizations of the French Civil Code

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 10:42 am

Verrier: Visualizations of the French Civil Code

Legal Informatics reports in part:

Jacques Verrier has posted two visualizations of the French Code civil:

Code civil – Cartographie [a video showing the evolution of the Code civil by means of network graphs]
Code civil des Français [a network graph of the structure of the Code civil linked to the full text of the code]

Being from the only “civilian” jurisdiction in the United States (Louisiana) and having practiced law there, I had to include this as a resource. In addition to it being a good illustration of visualizing important subject matter.

The post also points to a variety of visualizations of the United States case and statutory law.

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