Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 11, 2012

Monday Fun: Seven Databases in Song

Filed under: Database,Humor — Patrick Durusau @ 4:27 pm

Monday Fun: Seven Databases in Song

From the post:

If you understand things best when they’re formatted as a musical, this video is for you. It teaches the essentials of PostgreSQL, Riak, HBase, MongoDB, CouchDB, Neo4J and Redis in the style of My Fair Lady. And for a change, it’s very SFW.

This is a real hoot!

It went by a little too quickly to make sure it covered everything but it covered a lot. 😉

All kidding aside, there have been memorization techniques that relied upon rhyme and song.

Not saying you will have a gold record with an album of Hadoop commands with options but you might gain some noteriety.

If you start setting *nix commands to song, I don’t think Stairway to Heaven is long enough for sed and all its options.

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