Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 1, 2012

Extracting Conflict-free Information from Multi-labeled Trees

Filed under: Trees — Patrick Durusau @ 3:03 pm

Extracting Conflict-free Information from Multi-labeled Trees by Akshay Deepak, David Fernández-Baca, and Michelle M. McMahon.


A multi-labeled tree, or MUL-tree, is a phylogenetic tree where two or more leaves share a label, e.g., a species name. A MUL-tree can imply multiple conflicting phylogenetic relationships for the same set of taxa, but can also contain conflict-free information that is of interest and yet is not obvious. We define the information content of a MUL-tree T as the set of all conflict-free quartet topologies implied by T, and define the maximal reduced form of T as the smallest tree that can be obtained from T by pruning leaves and contracting edges while retaining the same information content. We show that any two MUL-trees with the same information content exhibit the same reduced form. This introduces an equivalence relation in MUL-trees with potential applications to comparing MUL-trees. We present an efficient algorithm to reduce a MUL-tree to its maximally reduced form and evaluate its performance on empirical datasets in terms of both quality of the reduced tree and the degree of data reduction achieved.

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That is, for every MUL-tree $T$ there exists a singly-labeled tree that displays all the conflict-free quartets of $T$ — and possibly some other quartets as well. Motivated by this, we only view conflict-free quartet topologies as informative, and define the information content of a MUL-tree as the set of all conflict-free quartet topologies it implies.

Preferring to view conflicts as information content (I would) but each to his own.

I suspect “multi-labeled” trees are more common than one might expect.

Other examples?

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