Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 25, 2012

OData submitted to OASIS for standardization

Filed under: Odata — Patrick Durusau @ 6:31 pm

OData submitted to OASIS for standardization by Doug Mahugh.

From the post:

Citrix, IBM, Microsoft, Progress Software, SAP AG, and WSO2 have submitted a proposal to OASIS to begin the formal standardization process for OData. You can find all the details here, and OData architect Pablo Castro also provides some context for this announcement over on the blog. It’s an exciting time for the OData community!

OData is a REST-based web protocol for querying and updating data, and it’s built on standardized technologies such as HTTP, Atom/XML, and JSON. If you’re not already familiar with OData, the web site is the best place to learn more.

It’s nice to see all the usual suspects lined up in favor of the same data query/update standard!

Not that it solves all the problems, there are still questions of semantics, to say nothing of a lot of details to be worked out along the way.

My suggestion would be that you drop by OASIS, which qualifies as one of the “best buys” in standards land to see what role you want to take in the OData standardization process.

(Full disclosure: I am a long term member of OASIS and a member of Technical Advisory Board (TAB).)

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