Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 2, 2012

Müsli Ingredient Network: How Germans like to Eat their Breakfast

Filed under: Graphics,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 3:52 pm

Müsli Ingredient Network: How Germans like to Eat their Breakfast

From Information Aesthetics:

Müsli Ingredient Network [] is a graphic meant for the print medium that shows how the customers of the German start-up MyMuesli tend to combine different müsli ingredients together.

Although one of the smaller projects designed by “truth and beauty operator” Moritz Stefaner, it still offers a small set of information graphics, such as a straight-forward radial network visualization, in which the ingredients are grouped by category, such as base mueslis, fruit, nuts, sweets, and so on. An additional “surprise factor” matrix visualization provides a more helpful view in revealing the links between the ingredients. Here, the circles represent link strengths between pairs of ingredients, while the saturation and darkness of a circle indicates the “unexpectedness” of that respective link strength.

From a topic map perspective, instructive on the visualization of associations between ingredients, both expected and “unexpected.” (I am not sure what is meant by “unexpectedness” or how you would measure it.)

From a personal perspective, I realized there are things, what Germans like for breakfast for example, that I have never been curious about. I remain incurious on that score. 😉 Good graphic though.

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