Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 21, 2012

Complex Networks -> Local Networks

Filed under: Complex Networks,Graphs,Networks — Patrick Durusau @ 4:34 pm

The Game of Go: A Complex Network post reminds us that complex networks, with care, can be decomposed into local networks.

From the post:

Using a database containing around 5 000 games played by professional and amateur go players in international tournaments, Bertrand Georgeot from the Theoretical Physics Laboratory (Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier/CNRS) and Olivier Giraud from the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Statistical Models (Université Paris-Sud/CNRS) applied network theory to this game of strategy. They constructed a network whose nodes are local patterns on the board, while the vertices (which represent the links) reflect the sequence of moves. This enabled them to recapture part of the local game strategy. In this game, where players place their stones at the intersections of a grid consisting of 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines (making 361 intersections), the researchers studied local patterns of 9 intersections. They showed that the statistical frequency distribution of these patterns follows Zipf’s law, similar to the frequency distribution of words in a language.

Although the go network’s features resemble those of other real networks (social networks or the Internet), it has its own specific properties. While the most recent simulation programs already include statistical data from real games, albeit at a still basic level, these new findings should allow better modeling of this kind of board game.

The researchers did not even attempt to solve the entire board but rather looked for “local” patterns on the board.

What “local patterns” are you missing in “big data?”

Article reference: The game of go as a complex network. B. Georgeot and O. Giraud 2012 EPL 97 68002.


We study the game of go from a complex network perspective. We construct a directed network using a suitable definition of tactical moves including local patterns, and study this network for different datasets of professional and amateur games. The move distribution follows Zipf’s law and the network is scale free, with statistical peculiarities different from other real directed networks, such as, e.g., the World Wide Web. These specificities reflect in the outcome of ranking algorithms applied to it. The fine study of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices used by the ranking algorithms singles out certain strategic situations. Our results should pave the way to a better modelization of board games and other types of human strategic scheming.

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