Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 24, 2012


Filed under: Quid — Patrick Durusau @ 7:37 pm


Quid software is described as enabling you to:

Map an emerging technology sector to reveal its key components

Discover new opportunities through white space analysis

Understand R&D focus of technology companies

Monitor technology development in emerging markets

Track scientific breakthroughs from academic origins to commercialization

Understand co-investment relationships and derive investment strategies

Identify the standout companies within a sector

Which are all claims you and I have seen (if not even more so) in any number of contexts.

But, then take a look at their explanation of their technical process.

What I find compelling about it is the description of a process that has multiple steps, no one magic dust that holds it together. Obviously a lot of human analytical skill goes into the final results.

Take a close look at Quid, I suspect it will be coming up again from time to time.

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