Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 18, 2012

An invitation to FP for Clojure noobs

Filed under: Clojure,Functional Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 5:26 pm

An invitation to FP for Clojure noobs

From the post:

I’ve heard newcomers to Clojure ask how to get started with functional programming. I believe that learning to program in the functional style is mostly a matter of practice. The newcomer needs to become familiar with a handful of higher order functions, and how they are used in common idioms. This can be done by practice with simple, well defined problems. I assume that the prospective reader already has a grasp of the rudiments of Clojure, and can operate the Leiningen build tool.

Here is what I propose. I have prepared a set of annotated exercises illustrating typical Clojure fp idioms. The exercises are the first 31 Project Euler problems, one for each day of the month. I believe these problems are ideal for the purpose at hand. Each problem is succinctly stated, interesting, and well defined. Each lends itself to a natural functional solution.

Sounds like an interesting approach to learning Clojure.

Would be interesting if processor speed and virtually unlimited storage tips the scales in favor of write-only memory and functional programming.

Where even mis-typed keystrokes are recorded, it being easier to record the next try than to correct the previous one. Will appear in secure facilities first but won’t remain there.

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