Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 2, 2012

Ontopia 5.2.0

Filed under: Ontopia,Topic Map Software — Patrick Durusau @ 3:47 pm

Ontopia 5.2.0

A new release from the Ontopia project has hit the street! Ontopia 5.2.0!

From the “What’s New” document in the distribution:

This is the first release in the new Maven structure. It includes the modularization of Ontopia along with bug fixes along with some new functionality.

The following changes have been made:

  • Ontopia is now divided into Maven modules based functionality. For developers working with Ontopia as a dependency this means that there is a more controlled way of including parts of Ontopia as a dependency. This change does not affect Ontopia distribution users.
  • The distribution has been updated to include Tomcat version 6.
  • The DB2TM functionality has been extended and improved.
  • Ontopoly had several outstanding bugs. Support for exporting TM/XML and schema without data was added.
  • Tolog now supports negative integer values and some basic numeric operations through the numbers module.
  • Ontopia now uses Lucene 2.9.4 (up from 2.2.0).

Thirty-seven (37) bugs were squashed but you will need to consult the “What’s New” file for the details.

Please send notes of congratulation to the team for the new release. They know you are grateful but a little active encouragement can go a long way.

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