Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 28, 2012

the time for libraries is NOW

Filed under: Librarian/Expert Searchers,Library — Patrick Durusau @ 10:54 pm

the time for libraries is NOW

Ned Potter outlines a call to arms for librarians!

Librarians need to aggressively make the case for libraries…., but I would tweak Ned’s message a bit.

Once upon a time, being the best, most complete, skilled, collection point or guide to knowledge was enough for libraries. People knew libraries and education were their tickets to economic/social mobility, out of the slums, to a better life.

Today people are mired in the vast sea of the “middle-class” and information is pushed upon willing and/or unwilling information consumers. Infotainment, advertising, spam of all types, vying for our attention, with little basis for distinguishing the useful from the useless, the important from the idiotic and graceful from the graceless.

Libraries and librarians cannot be heard in the vortex of noise that surrounds the average information consumer, while passively waiting for a question or reference interview.

Let’s drop pose of passivity. Librarians are passionate about libraries and the principles they represent.

Become information pushers. Bare-fisted information brawlers who fight for the attention of information consumers.

Push information on news channels, politicians, even patrons. When a local story breaks, feed the news sources with background material and expect credit for it. Same for political issues. Position papers that explore both sides of issues. Not bland finding aids but web-based multi-media resources with a mixture of web and more traditional resources.

Information consumers can be dependent on the National Enquirer, Jon Stewart, Rupert Murdock, or libraries/librarians. Your choice.

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