Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 25, 2012

Nice reading on Semantic Search

Filed under: Linked Data,RDF,Semantic Web — Patrick Durusau @ 3:25 pm

Nice reading on Semantic Search by Ivan Herman.

From the post:

I had a great time reading a paper on Semantic Search[1]. Although the paper is on the details of a specific Semantic Web search engine (DERI’s SWSE), I was reading it as somebody not really familiar with all the intricate details of such a search engine setup and operation (i.e., I would not dare to give an opinion on whether the choice taken by this group is better or worse than the ones taken by the developers of other engines) and wanting to gain a good image of what is happening in general. And, for that purpose, this paper was really interesting and instructive. It is long (cca. 50 pages), i.e., I did not even try to understand everything at my first reading, but it did give a great overall impression of what is going on.

Interested to hear your take on Ivan’s comments on owl:sameAs.

The semantics of words, terms, ontology classes are not stable over time and/or users. If you doubt that statement, leaf through the Oxford English Dictionary for ten (10) minutes.

Moreover, the only semantics we “see” in words, terms or ontology classes are those we assign them. We can discuss the semantics of Hebrew words in the Dead Sea Scrolls but those are our semantics, not those of the original users of those words. May be close to what they meant, may not. Can’t say for sure because we can’t ask and would lack the context to understand the answer if we could.

Adding more terms to use as supplements to owl:sameAs just increases the chances for variation. And error if anyone is going to enforce their vision of broadMatch on usages of that term by others.

1 Comment

  1. […] This is the paper that Ivan Herman mentions at Nice reading on Semantic Search. […]

    Pingback by Searching and Browsing Linked Data with SWSE: the SemanticWeb Search Engine « Another Word For It — January 25, 2012 @ 3:30 pm

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