Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 4, 2011

Big Data : Case Studies, Best Practices and Why America should care

Filed under: BigData,Jobs,Marketing — Patrick Durusau @ 6:10 pm

Big Data : Case Studies, Best Practices and Why America should care by Themos Kalafatis.

From the post:

We know that Knowledge is Power. Due to Data Explosion more Data Scientists will be needed and being a Data Scientist becomes increasingly a “cool” profession. Needless to say that America should be preparing for the increased need for Predictive Analytics professionals in Research and Businesses.

Being able to collect, analyze and extract knowledge from a huge amount of Data is not only about Businesses being able to make the right decisions but also critical for a Country as a whole. The more efficient and fast this cycle is, the better for the Country that puts Analytics to work.

This Blog post is actually about the words and phrases being used for this post : All words and phrases on the title of the post (and the introductory text) were carefully selected to produce specific thoughts which can be broken down in three parts :

  • Being a Data Scientist has high value.
  • “Case Studies” and “Best Practices” communicate to readers successful applications and knowledge worthwhile reading.
  • “America should”. This phrase obviously creates specific emotions and feelings to Americans.

Being a “cool” profession or even a member of a “cool” profession doesn’t guarantee good results. Whatever tools you are using, good analytical skills have to lie behind their use. I think topic maps have a role to play in managing “big data” and being a tool that is reached for early and often.

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