Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 25, 2011


Filed under: Data Source,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 7:33 pm


From the Guardian in the UK. If you don’t know the Guardian, you are missing a real treat.

The Datablog offers visualizations of facts that otherwise may be difficult to grasp or that become more compelling in graphic form.

Browse around and you will find a number of interesting resources, such as a listing of all the visualizations for the last 2 years and information on how they make data available.

Some news outlets in the U.S., such as the New York Times, have similar efforts but I don’t know of any that are quite this good. Suggestions anyone?

This and similar resources should give you ideas on how to visualize information to discover information and subjects for your topic maps as well as ways that you can present topic map data more effectively to your users.

  1. Choose one visualization from the Guardian and explain what advantages it offers over a simple table layout of the same information. 2-3 pages (no citations)
  2. What other information sets could be effectively displayed using a technique similar to #1? What would be different about it over table display? 2-3 pages (no citations)
  3. What are the limitations of the visualization you have chosen for #2? 2-3 pages (no citations)

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