Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 23, 2011

Tweet Topic Explorer

Filed under: Mapping,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 7:22 pm

Tweet Topic Explorer by Jeff Clark.

From the post:

One problem I face on a daily basis is to decide for a given Twitter account whether I want to follow it or not. I consider many factors when making the decision such as language of their tweets, frequency, whether they interact on twitter with other people I admire, or if I have some personal or geographic connection with them. But the most critical factor for me is whether they tweet about things that match my interests. Sometimes you can get a hint about this by looking at their short one line twitter bio but the best way is usually to scan their latest tweets.

I have created a new tool to help see which topics a person tweets about most often. It also shows the other twitter users that are mentioned most frequently in their tweets. I call it the Tweet Topic Explorer. I’m using the recently described Word Cluster Diagrams to show the most frequently used words in their tweets and how they are grouped together. This example below is for my own account, @JeffClark, and shows one word cluster containing twitter,data, visualization, list, venn, and streamgraph. Another group has word, cloud, shaped, post etc. It’s a bit hard to see in this small image but there is a cluster about Toronto where I live and mentions of run, marathon, soccer. Also, there are bubbles for some of the people on Twitter I mention the most often: @flowingdata, @eagereyes, @blprnt, @moritz_stefaner, @dougpete.

This is an interesting exercise in visualization and potentially a very useful tool.

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