Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 23, 2011

Learning Scala? Learn the Fundamentals First

Filed under: Scala,Tuples — Patrick Durusau @ 7:21 pm

Learning Scala? Learn the Fundamentals First by Craig Tataryn.

From the post:

A few weeks back I gave my talk at JavaOne 2011 titled “The Scala Language Tour”, if you’re at all interested you can grab the slides and examples from github.

The session was very well received, my only enemy was time! Given 1 hour, how does one give 170+ people a taste of all that’s Scala without completely starving them of details? Lots and lots and lots of dry-runs of your presentation, that’s how. I must have iterated my talk a dozen or more times. I just couldn’t bring myself to trimming any more fat. The short story is, I could have used 5-10 more minutes. A crucial set of slides had to be omitted concerning the “Tuple” in Scala.

Demonstrates the fundamental nature of tuples in Scala, with examples of where it can be found in Scala code.

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