Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 12, 2011

Where to find data to use with R

Filed under: Data Source,Dataset,R — Patrick Durusau @ 4:37 pm

Where to find data to use with R

From the post:

Hardly a day goes by without someone or something reminding me that we are drowning in a sea of data (a bummer day ):, or that the new hero is the data scientist (a Yes! let’s go make some money kind of day!!). This morning I read “…Google grew from processing 100 terrabytes of data a day with MapReduce in 2004 to processing 20 petabytes a day with MapReduce in 2008. (Lin and Dyer, Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce: Morgan&Claypool, 2010 p1) Assuming linear growth, that would mean did about 400 terabytes during the 15 minutes it took me to check my email. Even if Google is getting more than its fair share, data should be everywhere, more data that I could ever need, more than I could process, more than I could ever imagine.

So, how come every time I go to write a blog post or try some new stats I can never find any data? A few hours ago I Googled “free data sets” and got over 74,000,000 hits, but it looks as if it’s going to be another evening of me with iris. What’s wrong here? At the root, it’s a deep problem that gets at the essence of data. What are data anyway? My answer: data are structured information. Part of the structure includes meta-information describing the intention and the integrity with which the data were collected. When looking for a data set, even for some purpose that is not that important we all want some evidence that the data were either collected with intentions that are similar to our intentions to use the data or that the data can be re-purposed. Moreover, we need to establish some comfort level that the data were not collected to deceive, that they are reasonable representative, reasonably randomized, reasonable unbiased etc. The more we importance we place on our project the more we tighten up on these requirements. This is not all philosophy. I think that focusing on intentions and integrity provides some practical guidance of where to search for data on the internet.

If you are using R and need data, here is a first stop. Note the author is maintaining a list of such data sources.

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