Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 22, 2011

Skills Matter – Autumn Update

Filed under: Conferences,Government Data,NoSQL,Scala — Patrick Durusau @ 6:26 pm

Skills Matter – Autumn Update

Given the state of UK airport security, about the only reason I would go to the UK would be for a Skills Matter (un)conference, eXchange, or tutorial! And that is from having only enjoyed them as recorded presentations, slides and code. Actual attendance must bring a lot of repeat customers.

On the schedule for this Fall:

Skills Matter Partner Conferences

Skills Matter has partnered with Silicon Valley Comes to the UK, WIP, Novoda, FuseSource and David Pollak, to provide you with the following fantastic (un)Conferences & Hackathon’s:

Skills Matter eXchanges

We’ll also be running some pretty cool one- and two-day long Skills Matter eXchanges, which are conferences featuring 45 minute long expert talks and lots of breaks to discuss what you have learned. Expect in-depth, hands-on talks led by real experts who are there to be quizzed, questioned and interrogated until you know as much as they do, or thereabouts! In the paragraphs below, you’ll be able to find out about the following eXchanges we have planned for the coming months:

Skills Matter Progressive Technology Tutorials

Skills Matter Progressive Technology Tutorials offer a collection of 4-hour tutorials, featuring a mix in-depth and hands-on workshops on technology, agile and software craftsmanship. In the paragraphs below, you’ll be able to find out about the following eXchanges we have planned for the coming months:

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