Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 30, 2011

Graph Processing versus Graph Databases

Filed under: Graphs,Hadoop,Neo4j,Pregel — Patrick Durusau @ 7:10 pm

Graph Processing versus Graph Databases

Jim Webber describes the different problems addressed by graph processing and graph databases. Worth reading so you will pick the correct tool for the problem you are facing.

Webber visualizes the following distinctions:

What Pregel and Hadoop have in common is their tendency towards the data analytics (OLAP) end of the spectrum, rather than being focussed on transaction processing. This is in stark contrast to graph databases like Neo4j which optimise storage and querying of connected data for online transaction processing (OLTP) scenarios – much like a regular RDBMS, only with a more expressive and powerful data model.

See the post for the graphic.

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